Our EvolveAR Creator supports the 3D models that can be displayed in an augmented reality environment.
Supported Formats:
Our EvolveAR Creator supports the following 3D model file format:
Upload Recommendations:
To make your experience compact and seamless in performance, we recommend compressing your assets before uploading on the EvolveAR Creator.
Maximum allowed size: 3 MB
It is preferred that you convert your model into GLB format with textures. The conversion should be made for models together with their textures.
The 3D model Asset holds the following properties which are displayed on our EvolveAR Creator.
- Model Name: Allows the user to set the file name for the uploaded 3D model
- Replace Model: Allows the user to replace the 3D model uploaded on the CMS
We offer a variety of interactions for each asset. Below mentioned are the type of interactions that you can use to add interactivity with your 3D models.
Each of the following interaction is triggered when your viewers Tap on your uploaded 3D model in the Augmented Reality environment:
- Display Details Box
- Link to
- Play Sound
For more details on the interactions and their impact on assets, please see the related article: help.evolvear.io/articles/asset-interactions