The EvolveAR Creator supports the GIF files that can be displayed in an augmented reality environment.
Supported Format:
- .GIF

Upload Recommendations:
To make your experience compact and seamless in performance, we recommend using files that are smaller in size for a seemless AR experience.
Maximum allowed size: 1 MB
- GIF name: Allows you to set you file name to search and use later on
- GIF Preview: Allows you to preview your GIF in full screen before publishing your content for public view
- Replace GIF: Allows you to replace the GIF asset on the Creator.
- Upload Date and Time: Allows you to view the exact time your asset was uploaded to keep a track of when your asset was last edited and used in your campaign.
The following interactions can be triggered when viewers tap your GIF asset in AR:
- Go to Scene
- Link to
- Dial Phone number
- Compose email
- Save contact
- Save event
- Upload file
- Display message